Nov 12, 2009

The Benefits of Staging Your Home

You may be asking, what is home staging? According to Wikepedia, "Home staging is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling a property more swiftly and for more money. Staging techniques focus on improving a property's appeal by transforming it into a welcoming, attractive product that anyone might want."

Keep in mind, staging is not the same as preparing a home for sale. When preparing a home for sale there will naturally be small repairs and fixes that need to be done. Staging, on the other hand, is improving the design and organization aspect of the home for better visual appeal.

The benefits of home staging are many!

Staging causes you to get rid of the clutter:

When it comes time to move, you will be happy your home staging efforts gave you a head start! Clear out and organize the closets, cabinets, and shelves. It will make things much easier for you later anyway.

Staging increases the chances of a sale.
Any effort to increase the chance for a sale must be taken, and that includes the details. You would be surprised how much seemingly small details can make a difference. Staging gives you that extra push.

Staging helps you reach your asking price.
Especially in times when the market leans toward the buyer, justifying the asking price is necessary. Staging your home will create a higher value in the mind of the buyer and help you reach your desired price.

Staging helps you reach a sale more quickly.
The least amount of time a home is for sale, the better. When you stage your home effectively, you will move the sale more quickly.

Staging helps you think like a buyer. When you are staging your home, you will be looking at it objectively as if you were the buyer. Having this mindset will help throughout the entire process.

Any other benefits to staging your home? I would love to hear them!